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From the Help Desk


IT Reflections for Life and Business

People aren’t usually conscious of their own breath. It’s only when the weather gets cold and we can see it, or when we get a cold and can’t breathe that we notice our breath.  It’s the most essential thing we need for life and we take it for granted. IT support in Miami can be like that for most people. Our hardware, software, interactive consoles, all the technology we use every day has become as immediate, as automatic as breathing. It’s only when we experience a glitch, get an error message, or get hacked that we realize we depend on something and someone (many ‘someones’) completely outside of our immediate surroundings to use the technology we think of as close, as ours. This is why finding a reliable and trustworthy IT Help Desk in Miami is so important.

Reliable Support

Our company has made a business of being that something, that someone who people call when things go wrong. Of course, we would rather not get the call. We install infrastructures with every possible glitch and problem in mind to avoid delay, loss of communication and information, and above all to keep our clients’ information safe. So, as much we like to help our clients, no news is good news (most of the time).  

Risks and Rewards

But, honestly, the best part of business, for us, at least, has been getting to know our clients. When we started 14 years ago out of a small apartment, we had a handful of customers who were all taking a chance on a startup IT company. We poured everything we had into building systems that were reliable, affordable and safe. The technology was new and unfamiliar, so were the clients. Every challenge was a first-time challenge; every solution a first-time solution. Something wonderful happens when two parties are willing to take a risk together—they become connected. Those first few clients feel like family to us now. Some of them call the office for advice completely unrelated to their tech needs. Some invite our techs to social gatherings.

Connecting with our Customers

There’s a strange kind of joy that comes from being the unseen force of good behind our clients’ success. The goal of IT Help Desk Support in Miami is to serve our customers so that they can serve their customers. But it’s not enough to be the man behind the curtain, working in happy obscurity. We have to find ways of maintaining connection with our customers, even if they only call when things go wrong. Especially if they only call when things go wrong. Connection is the reason why any of this technology exists in the first place. Let’s make sure we apply our own science.

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