
All about GoComputek

Customer Testimonials

Michael Torres

GoComputek has been servicing our computers and phones for over 7 years now. They are an excellent technology partner with competent and helpful staff who

Ray Yara

I’m extremely happy with all the support and technical knowledge of the staff at GoComputek. They are always willing to help you with anything you

Jennifer Nuñez

We’ve developed a great partnership with GoComputek over the last 13 years and their dedication to our computer network is evident in all aspects of

John A. Cosculluela

Our firm has been working with GoComputek for over 13 years and for good reason. Jiovanny and his team are excellent and most importantly responsive.

Ivonne Toro

The services offer by GoComputek are excellent. Every time we have an issue with our computers, telephones, or any electronic device they are always available

Jerrold Ofgang

We’re very grateful for GoComputek’s prompt service and consistency over the last 12 years of servicing us as our exclusive IT services provider. From revamping